Thursday 11 June 2020

Count on the Best Chef Consultant for Restaurant

best chef consultant for restaurant
There are times when restaurants need potential guidance so as to get accelerated results in their prepared dishes. But the credible guidance can be offered only by the expert chef consultant who focuses on the technical development of recipes, menus and also offers advices to the food producers, caters and other things engrossed in and around the restaurants. Kunal Kapoor is known to be one of the most popular chef consultants for restaurants who has an integrated experience in planning menus, getting the food organized that is to be prepared and brought into the taste of the customers, and ensure the functioning of the staffing, inventories and quality as well as the hygiene of the food produced.

What does a chef consultant do?

There are multifarious roles of a chef consultant that makes him the head of the food court. Some of them have been envisaged below:

1. They control the costs of the food
2. They tend to design and focus on making new ideas about the menus
3. Plan the inventory procedures
4. They discover money saving strategies
5. Organize cooking and staff management
6. They supervise the culinary skills and infuse the tradition
7. Craft innovative menus with inventions
8. Keep in account the details of the clients and their food choices
9. Improve the cooking strategies and focus on the big picture
10. Keep in touch with the potential clients through communication clarity and hospitality

Count on Kunal Kapoor as your Chef consultant

If you are thinking of getting all the aforementioned responsibilities get allocated uniformly by an expert chef consultant, then count on the to get an ideal authority advice on matters of food, organization of food course menus, success stories of the ideal restaurant and many other management things that a restaurant lacks, despite being one of the most taste triggering place of food favourites. Do not let some missing blocks spoil your restaurant, and count on the top chef consultant for your restaurant in India to get famous for your hard work.

Friday 1 May 2020

Golden Milk – The Indian way to Stay Healthy

Golden milk is nothing but the milk drink prepared with Turmeric and a few other spices. According to KunalKapur, the famous chef in India, this is a drink you should include in your diet to improve and preserve your health.

To prepare golden milk at home, take half a cup of milk (you can use dairy milk of non-diary milk such as coconut or almond milk) and one teaspoon each of turmeric powder and ginger powder. Mix this with a half teaspoon of cinnamon powder, little black pepper powder, and a little honey. Bring the mixture up to boil and then allow it to simmer for ten minutes. Then strain the mixture using a strainer. The drink is ready to use now, and you can even keep it in the refrigerator for a few days. Here are some of its benefits to motivate you.

1. To relieve inflammation

The spices used in the golden milk have anti-inflammatory characteristics. So the frequent use of this drink is beneficial to reduce the effects of heart problems, cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, cold, cough as well as metabolic syndrome.

2. To improve brain function and memory

Turmeric helps improve the functions of the brain and memory. Cinnamon helps reduce the effects of Parkinson's disease. Some studies even recommended that a golden drink can improve mood and reduce the effects of cell damage. The famous chef in India suggests drinking this daily either in the morning or just before going to bed can provide its full results.

3. To prevent heart disease

The traditional belief is that Turmeric and other spices in the golden milk can prevent heart disease. Since Turmeric was a major ingredient in the diet of the former Indian Generation, especially farmers, they were healthy and free from any kind of disease.

4. To reduce the risk of Cancer

The best chef in India points out the effects of the golden drink to reduce cancer risks. There is no totally proven extensive studies are done on this field, but many believe in its power to diminish cancer risks.

5. To reduce cold and cough

The main components, Turmeric and ginger in golden milk, are highly effective in reducing the effects of cold and cough and increase the immunity power of the body. If you are in the habit of drinking this daily, the risk of getting a cold or other virus-infected sickness will be less.
Besides the qualities mentioned above, the golden drink is effective in lowering blood sugar, improving bone health, and improve digestion. So make it a habit to drink this daily and stay healthy.